Kin-Kannonji (金武觀音寺)

Okinawa is known for its beautiful beaches, amazing food and slow pace of life. This just might be why the local people have one of the longest life expectancies in the world. Nicknamed the “Land of the Immortals”, the islands have the highest rate of centenarians in the world.

Even though diet is probably the largest factor, it is also said that the slower pace of life and carefree attitude of the locals, despite all of the adversity that they’ve faced over the past few centuries has certainly contributed. 

Suffice to say, the past couple of centuries have been rather disastrous for the Ryukyan people. Once a powerful kingdom that made its riches from international trade, Okinawa fell under the subjugation of the Satsuma Clan, the Tokugawa Shogunate, the Meiji Empire only later to become one of the most important focal points of the Second World War.

Despite all of this, the people of Okinawa are resilient and are proud to display their culture and all that they’ve been able to accomplish in the decades since the war ended.

Sadly much of what Okinawa lost over the past few centuries has been difficult to completely restore and many of the places that tourists flock to today, including Shuri Castle, Naminoue Shrine, Futenma Shrine, etc. are all recent reconstructions that have allowed the local people to bring back some semblance of normalcy to their lives. 

Even though the Okinawa of today has been completely rebuilt and redeveloped, the fact remains that finding anything that pre-dates 1945 is extremely rare.

The Kin Kannonji Buddhist temple, located in the central area of the island was one of the few buildings lucky enough to survive the war and even though it is a bit of a distance away from the capital, should be one of those destinations on every tourists itinerary.

The temple is located within the small coastal town of Kin (金武町), which is home to Camp Hansen, one of Okinawa’s largest military bases. The town is a bit of weird one that seems almost completely devoid of life during the day, but apparently comes alive at night in order to cater to the American service men and women who live in the area. 

Known as the birthplace of Okinawan “Taco Rice” and for its production of the local Okinawan rice wine “Awamori”, there’s not much else in the area apart from its beautiful Buddhist Temple, which has been designated as a protected cultural relic.

Still though, a trip to Kin is well worth the short drive out of Naha, if only for checking out this historic place of worship which not only includes a Buddhist temple, but also a Shinto Shrine and a beautiful limestone cave. 

Kin-Kannonji (金武觀音寺)

Starting out with its name, “Kin Kannonji” (きんかんのんじ) literally means the ‘Kin Kannon Temple (金武觀音寺), which simply tells us the location of the temple and who is worshipped inside.

In this case, it is the Buddha of Compassion, known in Japan as “Kannon” (觀音). 

If you’re unaware, the ‘Buddha of Compassion’ is referred to by several different names in the many countries of Asia, but is one of the most commonly worshipped Buddhist figures.

Interestingly, even though most people in Asia regard ‘Kannon’ as a goddess-like figure, in Tibet,  the Buddha of Compassion manifests as the “Dalai Lama” who has traditionally been reincarnated as a male and historically has acted as a god king of sorts.

While Kannon most often appears in a female form in Eastern Asia, it is quite common to find statues that appear to be androgynous, leaving the gender of this all-important Buddhist figure somewhat unimportant.

Link: Guanyin (Wiki)


The temple was established in the early 16th Century by a famous Japanese monk Shonin Nisshu (日秀上人) whose arrival in Okinawa is the stuff of legends. The most likely explanation is that he set off from Japan to search for the so-called “Pure Land”, a mountain island paradise, which is thought to be where Kannon lives. Unfortunately while on route he was shipwrecked by a typhoon and washed ashore in the Kin area, saved by the local villagers.

Upon his arrival, legends insist that he used his strength with the dharma to perform some miracles that greatly improved the lives of the local citizens (more on that later) which elevated his status in the community and allowed for him to start his missionary work and the construction of the temple. 

Although the actual date of the temple’s initial construction isn’t documented very well, most agree that its history dates back to 1522, which is relatively the same period as when Nisshu arrived in the area.

I suppose you could say that the exact date of the temple’s construction isn’t really all that important though. The original burnt to the ground in the 1930s and the building we see today was a pre-war re-construction.

When you walk down the visiting path, you are met with some standing statues of Amida Buddha, which are likely going to be wearing the popular floral pattern t-shirts that you’ll see everywhere in Okinawa. Once you’ve made it past them, the path opens up to a large tree-covered courtyard with a garden to your left, the cave entrance to your right and the temple directly in front of you. 

Keeping with tradition, the design of the temple is simplistic in nature and is constructed entirely of wooden columns that support a visually impressive curved roof. When it comes to Japanese temple architecture, there really is a tremendous amount of beauty in its simplicity and this temple is a stunning example of that. 

The foundation is elevated above the ground using stone and wooden planks that help to protect the structure from earthquakes. The interior is constructed entirely of local wood and is a large open space with only a few wooden pillars helping to support the roof. There are also sliding doors on all sides that (when moved) change the dynamic of the room and allow for fresh air and light to enter.

In terms of decoration they keep with tradition and take a very minimalistic approach to the design of the room - At the main door you will be met with an incense urn where you can purchase some incense or some lucky charms (based on the honor system) and say a little prayer.

You can’t actually enter the room on your own, but the doors are quite large, so you can get a pretty good view of the interior from the outside.  

You’ll find another altar sitting between two pillars which that opens up to the main shrine where the resident monks do their daily prayers.

The main shrine is a simple set up consisting of a statue of Kannon (觀音) with wood-carved statues of Amida (阿彌陀佛) and Yakushi (藥師佛) on either side.

In front of the shrine you’ll find two stone lanterns which help provide a bit of light in the room, but not really enough to take nice photos of the statues from a distance. 

The most notable aspect of the temple (design-wise) is the ‘Irimoya-zukuri’-style roof (入母屋造) which is the Asian version of a ‘hip-and-gable’ roof - but a hell of a lot cooler.

In this specific style of roof, there is a main section known as the “moya” (母屋) covering the central core of the building, while the hipped portion known as “hisashi” (廂) extends well beyond the interior portion and the outside veranda. 

The amazing thing about this design is that the size of the roof (in comparison to the lower part of the building) means that its weight has to be supported by a complex system of brackets and supporting blocks which expertly distribute weight and ensures that the building is structurally intact. 

While the design of the roof is quite typical for Japanese temple architecture, what sets this temple apart is the usage of native Okinawan red tiles known as “Aka-Gawara” (沖繩赤瓦), which is quite common for construction throughout the Ryukyu islands, but almost non-existent in Japan. The red tiles, which have faded somewhat over the years blend in quite beautifully with the wood that was used to construct the temple and makes the building shine in the sun. 

Next to the temple you’ll find the administration office where you can go to purchase some good luck charms, seek some spiritual advice or just have a friendly chat. The staff that work at the temple are often quite busy maintaining the grounds, but they are really friendly and appreciate visitors, especially tourists who want to learn about the area. 

While touring the grounds it‘s likely that you’re going to notice that the area is covered by a couple of really large trees. These trees are also considered sacred as they date back to the construction of the original temple and are anywhere between 350 - 400 years old. You’ll notice that the trunks have decorations on them and that the area around the tree is well taken care of. It is also quite common to see local visitors taking family photos in front of the trees.

Nisshu Cave (日秀洞) / Kin Shrine (金武宮)

A 270 meters in length and a depth of about 30 meters, the famous cave that sits directly beside the temple is named, “Nisshu Cave” after the monk who founded the temple. Considered to be hallowed space in Okinawa, the cave is highly regarded not only because it is the home of a small Shinto Shrine, but also because it is partly used as a storage area for locally produced Awamori rice wine (泡盛).

One of the main reasons why the cave is considered sacred to the local people however isn’t because of the shrine or the rice wine stored inside - It is thanks to a local legend that serves as the basis for the creation of the shrine and the temple. 

The legend tends to vary a bit but the more realistic story goes a little like this: In 1552, when Buddhist Monk Nisshu (日秀) was attempting to return to Japan after spending years in China on pilgrimage, he was washed ashore in Kin when a typhoon hit. Rescued by the villager, he wanted to show his appreciation, so he set out to vanquish a disorderly bunch of (extremely venomous) Habu snakes that had infested the cave and were blamed for wreaking havoc on the locals. It would take some time, but when he was finally successful in ridding the area of the snakes, he placed some hand-carved images of the Buddha, Yakushi (彌勒佛) and Kannon (觀音) in front of the cave to act as a protective seal.

The more imaginative version of the story on the other hand tells of a single giant Habu snake, which lived in the cave and would slither into town, drink all the water in the well and on its way back home would have its way with local farm animals. When Nisshu appeared he used his supernatural powers and chanted Buddhist sutras at the entrance of the cave which eventually drove the snake away permanently. 

Whichever story you prefer, the origin of the temple is a direct result of whatever happened at the cave back in the 1500s and the safety that the townspeople could finally enjoy was repaid through their gratitude and the construction of the temple.

The cave has a set of stairs that allow you to descend to the cave floor and explore the interior - The further you go down however the darker and damper it gets, so you’re going to want to watch your step. If you have a light on your cellphone, you might want to turn it on so that you can see where you’re going. Once you’ve made it to the bottom of the staircase, the view looking back at the surface is quite beautiful with all the limestone stalactites hanging from the roof of the cave. 

Once you get to the bottom you’ll notice there is a gated cave door that blocks you from walking any further. This dark cavern leads to the Awamori storage area and (unfortunately) isn’t part of the free tour. 

Since 1949, the Kin Tatsu-no-Kura (龍の蔵) company has stored bottles of their locally produced rice wine in the cave for anywhere between five and twelve years. The company offers three daily tours of their section of the cave, which is filled with thousands of bottles of expensive wine.

The rice wine is as a popular local gift with many people electing to buy a bottle of the wine and having it stored at their own cost for well over a decade for special occasions. If you’d like to visit this section of the cave, you’ll have to pay an entrance fee of ¥400 for one of the tours (11am, 2pm, 3:30pm). 

Link: Tatsu-no-Kura (Okinawa Travel Info) 

The Kin Shinto Shrine (きんぐう) is a quaint little shrine located within the Nisshu Cave next to the temple. Despite the fact that it is not a full fledged shrine like Futenma Shrine or Naminoue Shrine, it is considered to be one of the ‘Eight Shrines of Okinawa’ (沖繩八社) meaning that it is still quite important. Enshrined within the hokora (祠) are the three popular deities worshipped as the “Kumano Sanzan” (熊野神) and are also worshipped at most of Okinawa’s other shrines. 

The history of this little shrine doesn’t seem to have been very well recorded, but what I’ve been able to find is that the legend of the monk Nisshu’s arrival in the area dates back to 1552 and the Buddhist Temple outside was established shortly after. It is also thought that this shrine was the first in Okinawa to worship the Kumano deities, so if that were true, it would have to pre-date the Futenma Shrine, which was constructed shortly after the Kin Buddhist temple under the patronage of the same king.

It is important to note that when the temple was constructed in the 16th Century, the relationship between Buddhism and Shintoism was considered to be symbiotic in nature, so when Nisshu arrived in Okinawa, he brought with him his knowledge of Buddhist philosophy, but he is also credited as the person who started ‘Kumano Sanzan’ worship in the Ryukyus. 

Unfortunately during the Meiji Era (明治), the government made Shintoism the state religion and instituted a policy known as “Shinbutsu Bunri” (神仏分離) which forced the separation of Shinto and Buddhism (which was regarded as a foreign influence). This meant that shared spaces within shrines were no longer permitted. 

This policy however had little effect on this temple and the two continued their symbiotic relationship allowing worshippers to visit to pay their respect to Kannon and the Kumano Sanzan as well.

Unfortunately when most tourists descend into the cave, they tend to pay more attention to their beautiful surroundings and easily pass by the small shrine without paying much attention to it. It might be small, but it is one of Okinawa’s most historically significant shrines, so stopping for a minute to check it out and pay your respects is always a good idea. 

Getting There


Address: 222 Kin, Kin Township District, Okinawa (沖縄県金武町金武222)

MAPCODE: 206 140 144

If you’re driving a car to the temple, simply input the Map Code provided above and your GPS will navigate the best route to the temple. The drive is quite simple as you’ll just need to get yourself on the Okinawa Expressway heading north eventually exiting at the Kin IC

From there you’ll follow Route 329 into the downtown area of Kin and will make a left turn when you see signage for the temple. You can park your car in the free parking lot directly opposite the entrance to the temple. 

You’ll want to keep in mind that the expressway in Okinawa requires a toll, so when you get on the highway you’ll have to grab a ticket and you’ll pay when you exit. If you are driving directly from Naha to the Kin Exit, you can expect to pay about ¥600-700 each way. 

Link: Okinawa Expressway Tolls

If you plan on visiting the temple and want to use Okinawa’s public transportation network, getting there is actually quite straight forward. From the Naha Bus Terminal you’ll want to board  Bus #77, which should take about 110 minutes to arrive at the Kin (金武) stop. From there you’ll almost instantly notice a large white road sign that reads: “Kin-Kannonji” which is about a 230 meter walk away from the main road. 

Link: Okinawa Bus Route List

Before heading back, you might want to take some time to walk around the streets and explore the alleys of Kin, which seem to cater exclusively to the US Army stationed at nearby Camp Hansen. The area is full of seedy bars and pubs and during the day most of the town is boarded up with little to no activity which is a bit odd compared to the rest of Okinawa. 

Coincidentally one of the only places in town that is open during the day is Okinawa’s famous “King Tacos” which serves up extremely filling Taco Rice dishes. If you’re hungry and want to get something to eat before heading to your next destination, you may want to consider stopping by and trying out this tasty yet weird Okinawan specialty.  

If you’re heading to Okinawa to spend most of your time on the beach, you’re sure to be delighted as there are over a hundred world class beaches to choose from. If you’re like me however and enjoy taking in a bit of history during your travels, you might end up feeling a bit disappointed.

The sad reality is that there are currently few buildings that pre-date the war, but this little temple was one of the lucky ones that was spared and has been able to withstand the test of time. It is easy to visit Naminoue Shrine or Shuri Castle, but if you want to see something truly historic, you’ll definitely want to make your way out to the small coastal town of Kin to check out its beautiful Buddhist temple

Shen’Ao Elephant Trunk Rock (深奧象鼻岩)

Note: It has been brought to my attention that authorities have recently started condoning off areas in front of Elephant Trunk Rock. This is meant to prevent people from getting too close to the high cliffs or on top of the Elephant Rock itself. This could be a preventative measure but it could also be a permanent one - If your sole purpose of visiting is to get on top of the “head” for a photo, you may want to hold off for a bit.

Shortly after my arrival in Taiwan, my friends and I planned a trip to the offshore Penghu Islands for a national day long-weekend of island hopping. On our second day we hopped on a boat and headed to beautiful Qimei Island (七美島) where we were led around on a scooter tour to see some of the sights. 

I could hardly contain my excitement as we were led to one rock formation after another. 

The first stop was “Little Taiwan” (小台灣), a rock formation that looked like Taiwan. Shortly after that we arrived at the “Waiting Husband Reef” (望夫石), a giant rock that we were told was supposed to look like a woman waiting for her husband to come back from the sea. Finally we were taken to the “Twin Heart Weir” (雙心石滬), a collection of rocks cleverly arranged in the shape of a pair of hearts that was at one time used to catch fish, but today catches more Instagram likes than seafood.

Suffice to say, I was unimpressed. 

I was of the opinion that instead of wasting time checking out boring rock formations, I could have been lying a beautiful beach or learning about the local area and its long and interesting history. 

Even though it was a long time ago, I still remember the day quite clearly as it was the day that cemented my aversion to anything that has to do with Taiwan travel and rock formations.

Its not that there aren’t cool-looking rock formations, I think the Nanya Peculiar Rocks (南雅奇石) are pretty cool, I just have a lack of imagination when it comes to claims that these rocks are taking the shape of anamorphic objects.

But hey, thats just me. To each their own, right? I might not be a fan, but that doesn’t mean you’re not going to find large groups of people filling tour buses to go check this stuff out. 

If you’re interested in knowing where almost all of those ‘rock-formation tour buses’ have been heading recently, its almost always going to be to Shen’Ao (深奧漁港), a small fishing harbor on the northern coast of Taiwan.

Thanks to a bit of Instagram magic, this once off-limits destination has become a hot spot thanks to a rock formation that just so happens to look like an elephants head. 

I’m not afraid to admit that when a hiking trail becomes popular on Instagram, I’ll join in on the action to see what all the fuss is about - When its a rock formation though, I’m going to be stubborn and take my time.

So here we are, after several years of avoiding it, I’m finally writing about the Elephant Trunk Rock.

I might be a bit late to the game here, but this post isn’t for Instagram fame, its for those wanting to visit and not having any idea how to get there.  

Elephant Trunk Rock (象鼻岩)

So, ‘Elephant Trunk Rock’ - What exactly is it? 

I’m not a geologist, so let me try to explain: It is a rock-arch on the top of a high cliff overlooking the ocean that just so happens to look like an elephant with its trunk lowered into the ocean for some water. 

Does it really look like an elephants head? Well, yeah, actually it does. 

And that is why it has become such a popular location for weekend travelers. 

When you visit the area, not only can you take photos of yourself standing in front of the ‘elephant’, but you can also scale up the back of its head and get photos of yourself standing on top, which is Instagram gold. 

The “Elephant Trunk” is officially named the “Shen’Ao Promontory” (深澳岬角) and is part of Fanzi’Ao Mountain (番子澳山) which separates the harbor port and the cape. Once a military-controlled zone, the area only opened to the public around the year 2000.

It would take quite a few more years however for it to become an internet sensation. 

The lower portion of the mountain near the shoreline features rocks that you’ll notice are similar to those that you’ll find at Yehliu (野柳), Peace Island (和平島) and many other areas on Taiwan’s north coast - These rocks, which often appear in the form of honeycombs and other shapes are the result of thousands of years of weathering and erosion.

Link: Yeliu Natural Landscape (Yeliu Geopark) 

Once you’ve finished checking out all the cool rocks and have progressed a bit further up the mountainside you’ll notice that the cape offers great views of the northern coast with Keelung to your left and Ruifang to your right. You’ll also be able to see the popular tourist town Jiufen (九份) in the distance next to Jilong Mountain (雞籠山)

The main attraction however isn’t the beautiful coastal landscape, it is the Elephant Trunk. 

Once you’ve arrived, there are is a long flat area where you’re likely to find a bunch of people taking photos. This area is the best for taking wide angle shots of the rock as well as for taking photos of your friends who are standing on its “head”. 

If you want to get on the “head” area, you’ll have to climb down a small rock area and then walk up a flat incline. If you decide to try to get on the head, be careful when you’re going up and down as you don’t want to slip and fall into the ocean. 

A gentle reminder that you’ll want to be careful when visiting this area - There have been fatal accidents in the past few years with people taking photos. (See link below) 

Link: 夫拍照轉身驚見妻墜海 瑞芳秘境「象鼻岩」傳憾事 (TVBS) 

Even though Elephant Trunk Rock has become a popular photo spot for local Instagrammers, the area was already quite popular with local snorkeling and diving groups for quite some time. The waters at the base of the trunk area feature a tunnel where you can enjoy some spectacular scenery and beautiful coral.

The current in the area is quite strong though, so if you want to try your hand at snorkeling, you should go with friends and be exercise caution. .

Link: Elephant Trunk Rock (Follow Xiaofei)

Before you arrive at the entrance to Elephant Trunk Rock, you’re going to notice signs pointing you in the direction of “Indian Chief Rock” (酋長岩), another rock formation that (if you’re into stereotyping) is supposed to look like the head of an “Indian Chief.”

Let me blow off a bit of steam here. 

Taiwan is a great country, but there are occasions, like this one, where I have to scratch my head at some of the stuff I see - If you take into consideration the persecution that the local indigenous peoples have had to endure over the past few centuries, you would think that a modern Taiwan would be a little more sensitive to this kind of racial stereotyping, especially when it comes to native peoples.

I could be accused of being a bit sensitive here, but if it were only the rock, I might just forget about it. Unfortunately there are also quite a few signs and images in the area that point to North American indigenous peoples being savage war-like killers. Its not cool and is completely unnecessary. 

Needless to say, I won’t be sharing photos of any of that stuff here. 

Getting There


Getting to the Elephant Truck Rock can be a bit of a hassle if you don’t have your own means of transportation. If you’re lucky enough to be traveling with someone who has a car or a scooter though, you shouldn’t have any problem. 

To get there all you have to do is follow the Northern Coastal Highway (北部濱海公路) until you reach Shen’Ao Fishing Harbor (深奧漁港) where you’ll drive in and find a parking lot. If you’re coming from Keelung, you’ll just want to follow the coastal highway until you arrive. If however you’re coming from Taipei, the fastest way to arrive would be to take Highway Number One and then switch to the #62 Expressway that will take you all the way to the coast. Once you reach the end of the highway, you’ll just have to make a left turn and the harbor is a few minutes from there. 

Once you’ve arrived at the harbor, drive your car all the way down the narrow road until you reach a newly constructed (paid) parking-lot where you’ll have quick access to the trail that leads to the Elephant Trunk Rock. 

If on the other hand you’re relying on public transportation to get there, you’re going to have a bit more of a difficult commute. It shouldn’t be that difficult, but you’re going to have to take a train or a bus, and then walk. 

The first thing you’ll want to do is either take a train (or a bus) to Keelung Station (基隆車站) where you’ll then transfer to a bus that will take you along the beautiful coastal highway. 

You have the option of taking either bus #791 or #1051 from the train station to the Shen’Ao bus stop. From there you’ll simply walk through the fishery harbour until you reach the entrance to where you’ll find the Elephant Trunk. 

Link: Bus Schedule - Bus #791 / Bus #1051

You could likewise take the Pingxi - Shen’Ao rail line’s (平溪深奧線) tourist sight-seeing train to Badouzi Station (八斗子車站) and from there walk to Shen’Ao harbor, which should only take about 15-20 minutes. If you’re not a fan of walking, you could likewise hop on one of the buses mentioned above which are both served outside the train station. Keep in mind though that you’ll want to get on the bus on the train station side to save yourself from heading back to Keelung. 

A few years back when fellow blogger Alex Kunz visited the area, he noted that getting to the rock was a bit difficult and that the trail was more or less unmarked. The sudden popularity of the area over the past few years however has completely changed all of that. The area is now clearly marked with an excessively large paid parking lot constructed near the entrance. 

Likewise, the trail is quite easy to follow and is well-travelled meaning that you’ll be able to safely walk up with trail and won’t get lost. From the entrance, you can expect around a five minute walk to the viewing area for the rock, but depending on the amount of people visiting, you may have to wait in the narrow sections of the trail.

Jilong Mountain and Jiufen in the distance.

You may have noticed that I’ve been a bit tongue in cheek with this blog post - Its true that I’m not a big fan of rock formations, but I’m willing to admit to you that if you’re looking for a rock formation that actually looks how its advertised, then you’ve come to the right place. There is an uncanny resemblance.

That doesn’t mean I’ve changed my mind about rock formations though, I’m going to continue to avoid them. If you like them though, Taiwan’s northern coast is full of them and you’re going to really enjoy yourself if you take a tour of the area.

Okinawa’s Kouri Island (古宇利島)

The main island of Okinawa is home to well over a hundred world-class beaches which are renowned for their crystal clear water, beautiful white sand and coral reefs making the prefecture one of the most popular summer holiday destinations in Japan.

When planning a trip to the Ryukyu Islands, you are certainly spoiled for choice when it comes to making a decision about where you’re going to go for a bit of outdoor activity. With such a large number to choose from, there are obviously going to be some pros and cons for each that should assist you with your decision making process.

When it came to the planning for this trip, we had quite a few options as well as quite a few suggestions from friends who had already visited Okinawa. So when it came time to decided where we’d be slumming it on the beach, we made sure that the ones we chose fit into our long list of places that we wanted to visit.

In the end we chose two very different beaches, one of Okinawa’s most popular, namely Manza Beach (万座ビーチ) and another that was relatively secluded on a distant outlying island. Fortunately the latter ended up being the best as the beach we chose to go swimming at wasn’t jam-packed with people and the experience was absolutely fantastic.

Today’s post is about our day trip to northern Okinawa’s outlying Kouri Island (古宇利島), which is connected to the rest of Okinawa by an almost two kilometre bridge. Our trip to the island would not just include swimming at Kouri Beach, but the popular Kouri Ocean Tower and the picturesque ‘Heart Rocks’ as well.

Kouri Island (古宇利島) 

Kouri Island, located just off the north-western area of the main island of Okinawa was officially connected to the rest of Okinawa in 2005 through a series of bridges. The first bridge takes you from the main island to Yagaji Island (屋我地島) and then from there you cross the beautiful Kouri Bridge - the longest bridge of its kind in the Ryukyus.

The small island, circular in shape has a radius of about 1km and features an 8km road that encircles the island. It is also home to a large population of about 350 people.

Since becoming accessible by car, the island has transformed into a popular destination for both local and foreign travelers who brave the ninety minute drive out of the capital to enjoy the beautiful beaches and crystal clear emerald waters.

Most visitors to the island are likely to opt for driving around the island, and admittedly that is what we did, but if you visit, I would recommend parking your car at the free parking lot on the Kouri side of the bridge, renting a bicycle and enjoying the beauty of the island at your own pace. The thing about Kouri island is that it is small, and so are the roads, so if you see something beautiful, you’re unable to stop to take photos.

Likewise you can’t stop on the bridge, but if you’re on a bicycle, you can easily stop to enjoy much better views of the bridge and you might even be lucky enough to see sea turtles swimming by in the water below.

In retrospect, I wish I had of done a bicycle tour - the weather however wasn’t cooperating for most of the trip.

For most tourists, the beautiful beaches are enough reason to visit the island, but for the local Ryukyuan people, the island has been long regarded as the ‘Island of Love’ by the local Ryukyuan people.  

Legends claim that the Okinawan version of  ‘Adam and Eve’, ‘Uminai’ and ‘Umiki’, lived alone in a cave on the island before having children who eventually spread to the rest of the islands. 

Thanks to the legend, Kouri Island has always been a popular destination for couples, especially to visit the Heart Rocks and the cave where Uminai and Umiki were thought to have lived thousands of years ago.

The local economy also caters quite a bit to the notion of the island being a romantic one with picturesque chapels set up to host weddings while overlooking the beautiful ocean and landscape of the island. 

Kouri Bridge / Beach

Coincidentally one of the main attractions on Kouri Island is the bridge that connects the island to Yagaji Island and the rest of Okinawa. Completed in 2005, the nearly 2,000 meter long bridge is the longest (toll free) bridge in Japan and might arguably be one of the most beautiful in the country. 

If you are visiting on a sunny day you are going to be in for a real treat as you approach the bridge.

Knowing this, I had anticipated our arrival and patiently watched the GPS in our rental car as we passed through farmland on Yagaji Island. As we approached, the sky suddenly became a lot wider and when we started to drive up an incline, it signalled our arrival at the bridge. I could hardly believe my eyes looking out the window on all sides of the car as the colours in front of us were spectacular - The clear blue sky in addition to the emerald green sea looked amazing and instantly reminded me of my trip to Palau a few years prior.

The 1,960 meter long bridge doesn’t take much time to cross, but you’ll likely notice that people start driving considerably slower when they’re on it. This is because the scenery is so stunning that its hard to concentrate on driving while feasting your eyes on the panoramic landscape in front of you. Unfortunately you can’t stop your car on the bridge, but you are able to walk or ride a bicycle across it, so if you have the chance, I recommend trying one of those. 

Once you cross the bridge you are immediately met with Kouri Beach and the Kouri Island Market (古宇利市場) where you’ll find free parking, bike rentals, coffee shops, restaurants and (most importantly) Blue Seal Ice cream vendors. There are also changing rooms and shower facilities for those who visit the beach. 

While others might enjoy some of Kouri Islands other attractions, Kouri Beach (古宇利ビーチ) would turn out to be the highlight of the trip for me. When we arrived at the beach, it was just after a downpour and most of the people had already left, so we pretty much had the place entirely to ourselves. I took that opportunity to first take some photos of the beach without a bunch of tourists blocking the view. Afterwards, I returned to the car, put all my camera gear away and returned to the beach for a swim. 

The water at Kouri Beach is crystal clear, warm, deep enough for a real swim and doesn’t have any strong currents that could prove dangerous. It was an absolute pleasure to swim around in the water for an hour before getting back in the car and heading back to Naha. 

As I mentioned above, you’re spoiled for choice when it comes to beaches in Okinawa, but the beautiful water, fine white sand and the addition of the picturesque bridge make Kouri Beach an ideal one if you’re looking for a place to swim for the day. 

Kouri Ocean Tower (古宇利海洋塔)

The Kouri Ocean Tower is a multi-faceted tourist attraction located a short distance away from Kouri Beach. The tower opened in 2013, shortly after the completion of the bridge and consists of an observation tower, sea shell exhibition, restaurant, souvenir shop and a chapel and well.. not much else. 

After paying an admission fee of ¥800, you are ushered into a narrow path where you’ll line up for driverless carts that will transport you further up the hill to the entrance of the tower. While riding up to the top you’ll probably enjoy yourself as you’re being transported through a beautifully maintained tropical garden.

Once you pass through the doors you are immediately met with a sea shell museum that is out of this world. I mean, if you’re into seashells that is.

If you’re like me and you don’t particularly care much about sea shells, you’ll probably go straight for the elevator that will take you to the main attraction, the observation platform in the tower. The first platform is on the interior and is covered with glass on all sides allowing for excellent panoramic views of the bridge and the ocean. The thing is though, taking photos through glass isn’t preferable, so you’ll probably want to make your way to the top of the tower where there is a giant bell (that annoying tourists will definitely ring as if climbing a flight of stairs is an accomplishment) and a 360 degree view of the island. 

The view from the tower is beautiful and you get to have a birds eye view of the bridge and the ocean, but I’m not really sure that the price of admission is really worth the experience.

I would have preferred to instead use that money to rent a bike and ride around the island. 

But hey, if you’re interested in sea shells, you’re certainly going to enjoy the large display. 

Once you’re done with the tower, you’ll make your way towards the exit where you’ll have to pass through a souvenir shop where you’re able to purchase lots of Okinawa Omiyage (souvenirs). I don’t usually fall for these kinds of tourist traps, but I tried a couple of pineapple sparking wines that were locally made and were quite tasty, so I bought a couple of bottles to bring back to Taiwan.

A few days later though when we were doing our last minute shopping we found the same bottles on the International Shopping Street in Naha for a fraction of the price.

If you visit the Ocean Tower, you’ll definitely be able to enjoy the view from the tower, but I don’t really feel like there is much else there that warrants much of your time. 

Link: Kouri Ocean Tower

Heart Rocks (ハートロック)

Our excursion to the Kouri Island ‘Heart Rocks’ turned out to be quite an interesting experience.

Before I get into that though, I think I should mention a minor pet peeve of mine - Here in Taiwan (where I live), people often visit locations with rocks that they claim look like something.

For example: Rocks that look like animals, gods, people, etc.

I’ve never been a fan of this kind of stuff, and friends insist that I have a don’t have much of an imagination, but I don’t really understand the attraction. Nevertheless you can’t go to Kouri Island and not see the Heart Rocks, so I went along for the ride and tried my best not to complain.

When you get close to where the Heart Rocks are, you’ll find several parking lots set up where you’ll have to pay a fee to park your car and use the trail to the beach. The parking lots are a bit of a tourist trap, and the closer the parking lot is to the beach the more you’re going to have to pay.

You can’t just leave your car on the side of the road, so you’re more or less forced to pay the fee. 

Once you’ve parked, it is a short walk down a trail to the beach where you’ll find a small coral beach with the famed Heart Rocks protruding out of the ocean. The rocks, which I suppose you could say look like hearts are quite picturesque and you’ll find quite a few people lining up to get photos in front of them. 

The area has always been well known with locals, but rose to fame in recent years thanks to the Japanese boy band, Arashi who shot an airline commercial with the rocks as a backdrop. This brought the existence of the rocks into popular culture and ever since then, the area has become a popular stop for Japanese and Taiwanese tourists who insist the location is romantic.

While we were taking photos of the rocks, the weather took a turn for the worse and a light drizzle of rain forced most of the other tourists to leave. We thought of this as an opportunity to take some nicer photos so we stayed for a bit. Unfortunately that light drizzle turned into a torrential downpour of biblical proportions and we had to take cover in one of the caves to wait out the storm.

For most people a visit to the ‘Heart Rocks’ is a romantic experience, because, well, the rocks look like hearts. For me though, as I sat there huddled inside a cave during a torrential downpour, all I could think of was that the terrible weather probably meant that I wasn’t going to be able to go swimming at Kouri Beach.

Fortunately after about half an hour of waiting for the rain to stop, it finally did and we made our way back to the car to change out of our wet clothes and dry off.

If you love rock formations, then yeah, a visit to the Heart Rocks is going to be a rewarding experience. Even if you don’t though, if you find yourself on Kouri Island, you should probably stop by for a short visit because this beach is quite picturesque. 

Getting There


If you’ve rented a car for the duration of your travels in Okinawa, getting to Kouri Island should be quite simple as all you’ll have to do is enter the MAP CODE of your destination in your rentals GPS and you’ll be on your way. The island is only a 20 minute drive away from the popular Churaumi Aquarium, so you can visit both in the same day.

From Naha you’ll want to get on the highway heading north until you reach the Kyoda IC. Once there you’ll continue north on highway Route 58 until you reach Route 110 which takes you across a bridge to Yagaji Island where you’ll continue along the same road until you reach the turnoff for Kouri Island by way of the bridge. 

If you are traveling to Kouri Island from Churaumi Aquarium, you’ll want to follow Route 505 until you reach Route 248. From there you’ll make a left turn towards Yagaji Island crossing the Warumi Bridge and then once again making a turn left on Route 110 where you’ll quickly approach the Kouri Bridge. 

You’ll want to keep in mind that the expressway in Okinawa requires a toll, so when you get on the highway you’ll have to grab a ticket and you’ll pay when you exit. If you are driving directly from Naha to the Kyoda Exit, you can expect to pay about ¥840 each way. 

Link: Okinawa Expressway Tolls

If your car has a GPS, you can simply input any of the Map Codes below and it will automatically come up with the best route to get to your destination.  


  1. Kouri Island: 485 662 804*11

  2. Kouri Bridge: 485 601 893*22

  3. Kouri Beach: 485 662 803*44

  4. Kouri Ocean Tower: 485 693 483*30

  5. Heart Rocks: 485 751 209*63

As far as making use of Okinawa’s public transportation network, if you plan on visiting Kouri Island without a car, I won’t say its impossible, but its certainly going to cause a bit of frustration and is going to include a combination of Highway bus, local bus, a taxi ride or a bit of a walk.  

Link: Okinawa Bus Route List

First you’ll want to take Highway Bus #111 or #120 from Naha Airport or the Naha Bus Terminal to the final stop at the Nago City Bus Terminal. From there you’ll want to transfer to a local bus on the Yagaji Line (#72) and take it to the “Untenbaru Iriguchi” stop. From there the bridge is about a one kilometre walk but you might instead want to opt for a taxi ride. 

You may also want to consider just taking a 30 minute taxi ride from Nago to the island, which should cost around ¥3000

Link: Nago Bus Terminal - Untenbaru Schedule / Route Map

You could likewise take bus #117 from Naha Airport or the Naha Bus Terminal to its final stop at the Churaumi Aquarium and from there hoping in a taxi to the island.

Whatever method of public transportation you choose, you’ll definitely be able to arrive at the island, you will however feel quite a bit more relaxed and free if you have your own rental car!

Although some might consider a trip to Kouri Island a bit too far away from the capital, it is considered by most Japanese and Taiwanese travelers to be one of the must stop excursions on any Okinawan holiday. The island might be small, but what it offers visitors in terms of natural beauty is arguably second to none in Okinawa. If you’ve got a car and you plan on visiting the popular Churaumi Aquarium, you’d do well to also include a visit Kouri Island as well. If you do, I promise you, you’ll be glad you did!