Chishang Rice Fields (池上伯朗大道)

I know what you’re thinking! 

“Finally, he’s posting an article that has nothing to do about the Japanese Colonial Era!”

“We’re finally going to get to read something about a popular tourist destination with some pretty photos that has nothing to do with history.” 

C’mon. Don’t fool yourself.

You know I’ll find a way to mix the two! 

Today I’m going to be introducing the famed Brown Boulevard in Taitung’s historic Chishang Village.

Keyword: Historic!  

If you’ve been in Taiwan long enough, you’re probably familiar with the iconic Chishang Bento Box (池上飯包), which likely has more branches around the country than McDonalds. 

While it should be obvious that these historic lunchboxes originated in Chishang, the better questions is to ask why are they so highly regarded? 

The easy answer is because Chishang produces arguably the best rice in all of Taiwan. 

Rice that is so awesome that it was apparently eaten by the emperor of Japan himself. 

And thus, you probably see where I’m going to go with this one. 

Chishang’s rice, Chishang’s bento boxes and all of what we’re able to enjoy today is a direct result of the five decades that Japan ruled over Taiwan and developed the island. 

So before I start talking about Brown Boulevard, give me a few minutes to help you better understand how one of Taiwan’s most prolific agricultural industries got its start! 

I’ll try to be brief, but let’s be honest, that’s never really been my strong point. 

Ikegami Immigrant Village (池上移民村) 

The Japanese Empire took control of Taiwan in 1895, and after a period of instability and heavy-handedness, life in Taiwan (for better or worse) eventually settled to become that of the model colony the Japanese were looking for.

For the first few years, the only Japanese citizens who came to Taiwan would have been predominately military, civil servants, engineers and business people who sought to capitalize on the treasures that the island had to offer the empire. 

When the situation stabilized, the government made the decision to start a campaign to encourage immigration to the colony, which viewed further immigration to Taiwan by ‘ordinary’ (most often lower-class citizens), especially those who were laborers or farmers. This was perceived as not only a great way to improve production here in Taiwan but also dealing with pervasive issues back in Japan, where lack of land and opportunities were causing issues for the rapidly industrializing country. 

Ultimately though, looking back through a historical lens, it is easy to see that mass immigration to Taiwan was a test for a ‘settler colonialism’ scheme in which Japanese citizens would mix with the local population, with the latter eventually being outnumbered.

The East Coast was chosen as the optimal location to start an immigration campaign for these ‘planned communities’ (移民村), due to the fact that it was sparsely populated and thanks to the ‘availability’ of land.

And to sweeten the deal, the government would provide each family with transportation, a home and a plot of land to farm on, in addition to a number of subsidies.  

The “model immigrant community” project, officially lasted from 1909 until around 1918 and achieved relative success, but no where was it as successful as it was on the East Coast with Yoshino Village in Hualien acting as the model for nearby villages like Toyota (豐田), Hayashida (林田), Yoshita (賀田), Kano (鹿野) and more importantly for this article, Ikegami (池上). 

Link: Huadong Valley Ride 2018: Hualien City to Fenglin (Spectal Codex)

Looking back, we can see that the hard work that went into developing the land used for these villages has helped to ensure that today, we continue to be spoiled with some of the best rice, vegetables and fruit in the world.

And there are few places where that is put on display more than in the former immigrant village of Ikigami, known today as Chishang (池上). 

Ikigami Village, which is the Japanese pronunciation of “chishang” (池上), the name used today literally means “by (on) the lake”, referring to the nearby Dapo Lake (大坡池), which was instrumental in the irrigation system that was set up for the cultivation of rice in the area. 

Note: Like many of the other immigrant villages on the east coast that I mentioned above, when the Japanese left Taiwan, the villages retained the same names, but were switched to the Mandarin pronunciation. Most English-speakers however fail to realize that “Fengtian” for example was the same “Toyota” as the cars!

Prior to the arrival of the Japanese, the land where Ikigami would eventually be established was home to the Amis (阿美族), who had migrated out of the area into Hualien in the early stages of the 19th century after an alliance of Siraya (西拉雅族) and Puyuma (卑南族), two of Taiwan’s Plains Indigenous groups (平埔族群) forced them out.

By the late stages of the 19th century, Emperor Kangxi (康熙) removed the longstanding ban on immigration (封山禁令) beyond the western coast of Taiwan. This prompted a wave of Chinese migration, who named the area “xin kai yuán” (新開園), which literally translates as “Newly Opened Land”, but even with a nice name like that, life really sucked for those immigrants who had little to no protection from malaria and other sicknesses let alone the constant threat of attack from the indigenous people.

It didn’t really matter very much though as a few years later, the Qing’s flimsy control of Taiwan came to an end after the First Sino-Japanese War (日清戰爭), resulting in the Treaty of Shimonoseki (馬關條約), and control of Taiwan and the Peng Hu archipelago being handed over to the Japanese. 

As mentioned above, the Japanese arrived in Taiwan in 1895 (明治28年), but what I didn’t include was that after the signing of the treaty with China in April, the Japanese army arrived in Taiwan in May and by November of that year, they claimed to had accomplished what the Dutch, Spanish and Chinese could never do - they controlled the entire island.

That being said, complete control over the island probably didn’t actually take place until some years later as they faced resistance from indigenous groups as well as the Hakka and Hokkien people who had been here for years.

Once they did control the island though, they set out to develop it and start extracting all of its many resources.

It’s hard to know for sure how many indigenous and others were killed during the period of resistance to Japanese rule, but without a doubt, thousands perished in the process. 

By 1909 (明治42年), the eastern immigration plan had been established and the model immigrant villages mentioned above started popping up along the east coast, with both public and private investments.

To facilitate the creation of an immigrant village in the ‘Newly Opened Garden’ area, an estimated 2,298 hectares (2,370甲) was reserved and was officially renamed “Ikigami Village” (池上村).

It’s important to mention that of the 2,300 hectares reserved for the village and agricultural production, the vast majority (2,143 hectares) of land was considered untamed wilderness (原野) while the rest was divided/developed into 55 hectares of dry farmland (旱田), 37 hectares of paddy fields (水田) and 7.5 hectares reserved for construction (建地) respectively. More on that later. 

Note: 1甲 = 0.9699 hectares = 2,934坪 (甲 jia and 坪 ping are Taiwanese units of measurement)

With the Taitung Sugar Corporation (臺東製糖株式會社) charged with the development of the village and bringing in new immigrants, in 1913 (大正2年) construction on over two hundred houses started with land partitioned to ensure that each of the households could contribute to agricultural production. 

Immigration to the area however didn’t start until 1919 (大正8年) when 49 families were brought to the area from Shinanogawa City (信濃川) in Japan’s Nagano Prefecture (長野縣).

Immigration slowly continued throughout the next few years, but the initial stages of the project (in addition to several of the other immigrant villages set up under the operation of the Taitung Sugar Corporation) came to a sudden end.  

By 1921 (大正10年) the Taiwan Governors Office and the Bank of Taiwan became frustrated with the lack of success of the privately run company and stopped granting them loans. With mounting debts, the Taitung Sugar Corporation was forced to restructure its business operations leaving the newly formed Taitung Business Development Corporation (台東開拓株式會社) to focus on any lingering immigration-related business, while the rest of the company would focus solely on its most important function, the production and export of sugar.

Over the next few years, with continued attempts to fill the houses with immigrants from Japan failing, the company settled on bringing in a mixture of locals and Japanese to help populate the village and contribute to agricultural production. This attempt resulted in limited success as by 1926 (昭和元年) the Eastern Rail Line (東線鐵路) had reached Ikigami and the area near the newly constructed train station became a much more attractive place to live, in addition to being the centre of economic development.

Once the rail line had been completed, Ikigami became a much more attractive one and migrants, mostly Hakka’s from Hsinchu (新竹) and Miaoli (苗栗) started to pour in with the population surging over the next decade.

Ikigami ultimately failed as an experimental immigration village for Japanese citizens, but it succeeded in becoming a much more inclusive village than many of the other immigrant villages in that it was home to the Indigenous, Hakka, Hokkien and Japanese, all of whom worked together to create a paradise for the production of rice.

Later absorbed into the Kanzan Region (關山郡 / かんざんぐん) of Taito Prefecture (臺東廳), over the next few years, Ikigami Village would turn the failure of the immigration village into one of Taiwan’s most profitable and long-standing success stories.

One that has transcended the different eras of political rule over the island.

Gone were the days where sugarcane was the main focus of agricultural production as the people of the village worked to set up a sustainable system of rice cultivation that quickly achieved notoriety around Taiwan and especially in Japan where it was lauded as Tribute Rice (貢米), cultivated and provided directly to the Emperor.

When the Japanese arrived in Taiwan, they brought with them a Japanese grain of rice known as japonica (秈米) that replaced the earlier, longer grain (粳米) that was brought here by Chinese immigrants in the 16th century.

It took several decades before they actually learned how to successfully cultivate this special kind of rice in Taiwan’s temperate climates. 

Link: Taiwanese Rice has its roots in Japan (Kyodo News) 

By 1925, the colonial government was all-in on what became known as Ponlai rice (蓬萊米), a hybrid of japonica rice (ジャポニカ米) and Ikigami was geographically one of the most ideal locations to grow it.

Located within the area we refer to today as the East Rift Valley (花東縱谷), between the Central Mountain (中央山脈) and the Coastal Mountain ranges (海岸山脈), Ikigami is blessed with fertile soil and natural river water from the Xinwulu River (新武呂溪) in addition to the Dapo Pond which provides fresh water to the rice paddies.

According to locals, the secret to the success of Ikigami’s (Chishang’s) rice cultivation is in the following: 

  1. Excellent soil that contains clay and organic matter from the mountains.

  2. Excellent water flowing from the mountain river and the pond.

  3. Excellent weather and a climate suitable for agricultural production.

While there is certainly room for debate about the claims that Ikigami’s rice production was labelled Emperors Rice (天皇米), what is true of the rice production of the colonial era is that the vast majority of the spoils were shipped back to Japan.

So, as far as the locals were concerned, Ikigami’s rice may as well have been reserved for Japanese royalty. 

Once again, even though Ikigami was a failure as an immigrant village, another area where it did succeed was in cultivating the massive amount of land that was reserved for the village into a viable location for agricultural production. It goes without saying that without the hard work of the immigrants, in conjunction with those from other parts of Taiwan, who joined them in converting over 5000 acres of land into a paradise for rice production.

Cultivation continues to this day and the quality of rice that is produced in Chishang is renowned throughout Taiwan, as well as overseas. The market however has since democratized, and even though rice is still exported to Japan, people from all over Taiwan are likewise able to enjoy the same quality of rice that was once ‘reserved’ for the Emperor. 

While talking about the village, its history and its amazing rice, I’d be remiss not to mention the famed bento boxes (便當) that Chishang is known for. Whenever you go in Taiwan these days, you’re undoubtably going to find a Chishang Bento Box (池上飯包) franchise that sells lunchboxes to the starving masses of Taiwan’s work force. 

Starting in the 1930s, shortly after the railway started passing through Ikigami, vendors would wait along the platform offering Sweet Potato Cakes (蕃薯餅) to weary travellers. This lucrative business later progressed into selling rice balls (飯糰) wrapped in peach leaves (月桃葉), which were the precursor for what we know and love today. 

Note: Lunchboxes in Taiwan are known as “biàn dang” (便當), which is a word derived directly from the Japanese bento (弁当 / べんとう). When we use the words “fàn bao” (飯包) however, we are most often referring to the bento boxes inspired by the Chishang Lunchboxes. 

Links: Even Train Rides Are a Chance to Eat Outrageously Well in Taipei (Eater)

The Biandang from Japanese Days to the Present (AmCham Taiwan) 

As time went by, the rice balls evolved to include a variety of braised pork (滷肉), roast pork (烤豬肉), pork liver (豬肝) and lean slices of pork (瘦肉片) in addition to steamed cabbage, pickled radish, tempura and rice.

Then in 1962, the wrapped rice balls started being packed in wooden boxes transforming into the Chishang bento boxes what we’re used to today. 

Even though you can enjoy a Chishang Bento Box pretty much anywhere in Taiwan, if you find yourself in Chishang, you will have certainly missed out on a great experience if you don’t take some time to enjoy one of the original bento boxes. So, if you are in Chishang, make sure to enjoy a meal at one of the following historic bento shops as you won’t find any of their vendors on the train platform these days. 

  1. Hometown Chishang Lunchbox (家鄉正宗池上飯包) #4 Zhongzheng Road 台東縣池上鄉中正路4號

  2. Woo Chishang Lunchbox (悟饕池上飯包) #259 Zhongxiao Road 台東縣池上鄉忠孝路259號

  3. Quanmei Chishang Lunchbox (全美行池上飯包) #1 Zhongshan Road 台東縣池上鄉中正路1號

And if you’re really interested in the history of these famed bento boxes, there’s a bento museum near the train station where you can learn all about their history. 

Link: Chishang Bento Museum (Taitung Tourism) 

Brown Boulevard (伯朗大道) 

While excellent soil and fresh water are certainly important factors that contribute to producing Chishang rice, one might argue that the relatively low amount of pollution in the area also has an important hand in ensuring that the rice is always going to be some of the tastiest on the market.

Rice is grown in pretty much every city and county in Taiwan, but there are arguably few places as geographically distinct as Chishang, where factories are pretty much non-existent as they are in other areas of the country. This means that the rice enjoys the benefits of (relatively) pollution-free air in addition to the fresh mineral water and fertile soil provided by the East Rift Valley. 

To ensure that this remains true for as long as possible, you’ll notice that the famed Brown Boulevard is devoid of all of the noisy cars, buses and scooters that you’ll find in other areas around the country. You’ll also notice that there is a distinct lack of street lights, electrical wires or telephone poles polluting the beautiful scenery. The vast fields are completely open and save for some roads running between the paddies, the area is completely natural. 

The popular tourist attraction might just be one of Taiwan’s largest experiments in sustainable tourism, allowing the general public to enjoy the absolutely spectacular scenery of the vast rice fields, but only if they’re willing to do so by walking or on a bicycle.

Ironically, even though the rice fields have been around since the 1920s, tourism to the area has only really exploded within the past few years. These days you’ll find crowds of tourists walking or bicycling around the zig-zagging network of roads that criss-cross the paddies. This most often includes a mixture of families on vacation, couples walking hand-in-hand, and of course Instagram celebrities modelling for photos.  

But, what happened to start bringing the massive crowds to the area? And how did the area become one of Taitung’s most popular tourist destinations? To figure that out, we need to take a look at the name of the place, “Brown Boulevard” or “Mr. Brown Boulevard” (伯朗大道). 

The craze started when the local generic coffee company, Mr. Brown (伯朗咖啡) filmed a commercial on-site in 1992, bringing the area to the attention of the masses of domestic tourists looking for something to do with their free time. However, even though the area of town where the rice paddies are located has since been nicknamed “Brown Boulevard,” the Number One reason why so many tourists have been attracted to the area is arguably thanks to an EVA Air (長榮航空) commercial from 2014 that featured international sexy man Takeshi Kaneshiro (金城武) biking through the fields and enjoying some fresh tea under the shade of a tree.

Kaneshiro, who is a Taiwanese-Japanese actor can be seen in the final minute of the commercial promoting the beauty of Taiwan to the Japanese market, speaking Japanese with his iconic deep voice. Given the history of the area, Kaneshiro was probably the perfect person to help promote Taiwan as well as the Chishang area as he is able to bridge the gap between two countries as son of mixed heritage.  

Did I mention that he’s beautiful? Just watch the video linked below. You’ll understand. 

Link: Takeshi Kaneshiro Eva Air Commercial | Mr. Brown Coffee Commercial (Youtube)

These days, one of the most popular attractions on the boulevard is the tree where Kaneshiro enjoyed his tea.

The tree is referred to as the Takeshi Kaneshiro Tree (金城武樹) and even appears that way on Google Maps. You won’t need GPS to find it though, just look for where there are large crowds of tourists stopped to take photos. 

While not exactly a “boulevard”, the network of roads running through the rice paddies is often described in Chinese as a “jade paradise” (翠綠的天堂路) thanks to the emerald-green rice paddies in a valley that is separated by two mountain ranges. 

The thing you’ll want to keep in mind is that if you actually want to experience the emerald-green beauty of the boulevard, you’ll have to plan your visit wisely.

The best times of the year to visit the area are between May and June and October and December when the rice fields are growing. If you arrive too late in the season, the fields may have turned yellow with the rice close to being ready, or worse - having already been harvested.  

If you can’t travel to the area during those times mentioned above, never fear. The place is beautiful all year-round.

While there, you’re probably going to want to rent a bicycle to ride around the fields, so if you’re looking for information on renting bikes, keep reading!  

Getting There


Address: Brown Boulevard, Chishang Village. Taitung County (臺東縣池上鄉伯朗大道)

GPS: 121.21260 23.098776

Car / Scooter 

If you have access to your own means of transportation, getting to Chishang is pretty simple.

You can either input the address or the GPS coordinates provided above into your preferred GPS system and it’ll map out your route for you. 

What you’ll want to remember about driving a car or a scooter however is that you’ll have to pay for parking once you arrive at Brown Boulevard as both aren’t allowed to enter the pedestrian only area.

The car parks provided often operate as both a car park and a bicycle rentals, so if you plan on renting a bicycle to ride around the rice fields (which I recommend you do), you’ll be able to get a better deal on one of the bikes (electric or not).

The thing about the parking lots and the bicycle rental places being mixed together means that the prices or both are pretty standardized, but also allows for a little bit of tourist gouging.

These things certainly aren’t very expensive as per Taiwanese standards, but it’s unlikely that you’ll bother parking in one place and renting a bicycle from another, as that wouldn’t make much sense. 

Be forewarned that if you decide that you’re smart and you’ll instead find parking somewhere along the road near the boulevard, it’s likely that you’ll have your car towed or you’ll get a ticket.

The whole thing seems like an organized tourist racket, so if you attempt to save a bit of money by not parking in a parking lot, you may find yourself paying a lot more in fines when your car gets towed.


Taking the train is one of the easiest options for getting to Chishang as the station is served by not only the local trains (區間車) but also the faster Taroko (太魯閣), Puyuma (普悠瑪) and Tze-chiang (自強) express trains as well. 

To get there, take one of the north/south bound trains on the east coast all the way to Chishang Station (池上車站). I probably don’t have to say this, but that would be a train headed north from Taitung Station (台東車站) or south from Hualien Station (花蓮車站). 

Once you arrive at the station, the first thing you should do is stretch for a minute and then head directly to one of the famed Chishang Bento Box places to have something to eat before heading elsewhere. 

From the train station, you have the option of taking a bus, taxi, bicycle or walking to Brown Boulevard, which isn’t all that far from the station. 


If you’d like to take a bus to the area, you have a couple of options, but it all depends on where you’re starting from.

From Taitung to Brown Boulevard (台東轉運站 - 伯朗大道)

  • Ding-Dong Bus (鼎東客運) Mountain Line (山線): #8161, 8163, 8165, 8166

From Taitung Bus Station to Chishang (台東轉運站 - 池上)

From the Taitung Bus Station, you’ll want to hop on the Ding-Dong Bus Company’s Mountain Line (山線) bus and take it all the way to Chishang, which should cost about $160NT one way. 

Link: Mountain Line Map | Fare Chart

From Chishang Train Station to Brown Boulevard (池上車站 - 伯朗大道) 

From the train station walk out the front entrance and down the road where you’ll pass by the famed lunchbox vendors and onto Zhongshan Road (中山路), you’ll find the bus stop nearby. You’ll want to hop on Bus #8165 and take it to Brown Boulevard West Side. Or #8161, 8163, or 8166 in the other direction to the Jinyuan Stop.

Either way, the bus ride is about three kilometres and there are several stops for Brown Boulevard, so you’ll want to pay attention.

From Hualien to Chishang (花蓮 - 池上) 

Take Hualien Bus #1138

If you’ve read other articles that say that you can take Bus #1138 to Chishang, you may want to ignore them.

This bus route hasn’t been in service for quite a while, and even then it was only from Fuli (富里), located in Southern Hualien county to Taitung Bus Station. It wasn’t really of any use for travelers coming Hualien city. 

So, if you’re traveling from Hualien, I highly recommend taking a southbound train to Chishang and then transferring to a bus or walking from there. 

Bicycle Rentals

It doesn’t matter if you arrive at either the western side or the eastern side of Brown Boulevard, there will be an ample amount of bicycle and parking vendors vying for your attention. As mentioned above, most of the rental places include the parking fee with the price of your bicycle rental, so you won’t have to worry too much about where you’re going to park your car or scooter.

The prices of bicycles tends to only vary slightly between the different outlets, but they don’t really differ all that much, so you can pretty much expect the following prices for bike rentals, which generally allow you to have the bikes for about two to three hours.  

The great thing about the bike rental places is that they all have signs outside that clearly show their prices, which means you aren’t going to get taken for a ride when you arrive.

Remember though, the bigger than bike, the more expensive it will be - especially if its electric. 

  1. Single Person Bicycle (一人自行車): $100-150NT

  2. Double Seat Bicycle (雙人自行車): $300NT

  3. Four-Seat Bicycle (四人自行車): $500NT

  4. Double Seat Electric Bicycle (雙人電動腳踏車): $500NT / two hours

  5. Four-Seat Electric Bicycle (四人電動腳踏車): $800NT / two hours

As one of Taitung’s most popular tourist destinations, you can be sure that any time you visit Chishang and it’s Brown Boulevard that you’ll be doing so with large crowds of tourists. This is especially true during the four months of the year when the rice fields are full.

The area has become be one of Taitung’s most popular tourist attractions, but don’t worry - it’s large enough to share.

Walking or bicycling along the boulevard is probably one of the most amazing experiences you’ll have while visiting the East Coast, and all that exercise should probably make you hungry, so make sure to enjoy one of Chishang’s iconic bento boxes as well!


  1. 池上鄉 (Wiki) 

  2. 伯朗大道 (Wiki) 

  3. 池上飯包 (Wiki)

  4. 池上伯朗大道 (ZZTaitung)

  5. 日本移民村 (Encyclopedia of Taiwan) 

  6. 『天皇米』之說的生成興再現 (邱創裕 / 國立臺灣師範大學台灣研究所)

  7. 從日本貢米到台灣香米 (Thinking Taiwan)

  8. Japanese Immigrant Villages in Taiwan | 台灣日治時期日本移民村 (Wiki)

  9. 日本人的臺灣經驗~日治時期的移民村 (林呈蓉/淡江大學歷史系副教授)

  10. 台東第一打卡景點 竟是拍攝咖啡廣告的池上伯朗大道?(Line Today) 

  11. Taiwanese Rice has its roots in Japan (Kyodo News)

  12. Mr. Brown Avenue | 伯朗大道 (Taitung Travel) 

  13. Chishang (Foreigners in Taiwan) 

Baoting Art and Culture Center (寶町藝文中心)

While visiting Taiwan’s breathtaking East Coast, almost every traveller will quickly discover that we are blessed so many tourist destinations and things to see that one trip doesn’t even allow you to scratch the surface of what Taitung has to offer.

This makes crafting the perfect travel itinerary rather difficult as there are far too many things to see and do and never enough time to do it all.

Therefore the only solution to this problem is to visit Taitung as many times as possible!

For most tourists, Taitung City has been used simply as a base for travelling north to check out destinations like Sanxiantai (三仙台) or the scenic rice fields in Chishang (池上). Likewise, you could head south to Taimali (太麻里) and the beautiful hot spring forest resort area in Zhiben (知本) or hop on a ferry to Green Island (綠島) or Orchid Island (蘭嶼). 

Now though, Taitung City is proudly fighting for the attention of tourists and it is waging a battle that makes it pretty hard to ignore! 

In recent years Taitung City has gone through something of a renaissance in the way it presents itself as a tourist destination and the amount of attractions for the average tourist have increased exponentially.

This means that leaving the city to drive north or south has become increasingly more difficult, especially for young people who are embracing this new Taitung. 

Starting with the downtown core, the Taitung Rail Art Village (鐵花村) is an amazing addition to the city’s tourist destinations and given its proximity to the Taitung Night Market, tourists can easily spend an afternoon and an evening browsing this artistic and culinary hot spot.

Likewise, the historic Taitung Sugar Factory (台東糖廠文創園區) has recently been restored and is quickly becoming the city’s answer to Taipei’s Huashan Culture Park (華山1914文化創意產業園區) where Taiwan’s hipster art community is free puts on exhibitions and concerts.

Nearby you’ll also find the beautiful Taitung Seaside Park (海濱公園), which is home a beach-side nature trail and the popular Taitung White House (台東阿伯白屋), where you can rent a bicycle and enjoy the beauty of a tropical wetlands. The city is also home to Liyu Mountain Park (鯉魚山) where you’ll find the Taitung Martyrs Shrine (台東忠烈祠), as well as an easy hike that provides tourists with beautiful views of the Taitung cityscape with the Pacific Ocean behind it!

That being said, the local government has also spent a considerable amount of money restoring many of the historic Japanese era buildings and has been opening them up as attractive tourist destinations where we can enjoy the beauty of these historic buildings, while also enjoying some interesting exhibition spaces. 

One of the first of these spaces to open was the Baoting Art and Culture Center (寶町藝文中心), a group of former Japanese civil servant dormitories in downtown Taitung.

Within the next few years, the small cluster of dorms is going to drastically increase with an entire city block of other dorms soon to open to the public, making this part of town an important part of the local government’s long-term plans for keeping tourists within city limits! 

Today I’ll be introducing the dorms that make up the Baoting Art and Culture Center, but as I mentioned above, I’ll definitely be heading back to city in the near future to check out all of the other dorms that are soon to open, because like almost every other traveller who visits Taitung discovers, one trip is never enough! 

Taitung Civic Dormitories (臺東市長官舍建築群)

Given that these dorms were used by the civil servants who worked within the administrative bureaucracy in Taitung, I think its probably a good idea start out by explaining the somewhat complicated administrative history of the area. 

Prior to the arrival of the Japanese, Taitung was referred to simply as “Back Mountain” (後山) or “Pi-lam” (卑南) by the Qing, and for much of the time that they controlled Taiwan, the area was more or less off-limits.

The lack of administrative control or ability to protect Han immigrants from the Puyuma (卑南族) and Amis (阿美族) indigenous people who lived there meant that few actually dared to make their way beyond the Central Mountain Range to the east coast. 

However, a few years prior to Taiwan being ceded to the Japanese, the “mountain” areas were opened up by governor Liu Mingchuan (劉銘傳) and ethnic Chinese settlers started migrating to the area, which they renamed Taitung Prefecture (臺東直隸州) in 1888. 

That version of ‘Taitung Prefecture’ however was short-lived as Taiwan was ceded to the Japanese seven years later at the end of the First Sino-Japanese War (日清戦争). 

When the Japanese arrived, they originally named the area Nankyo Village (南鄉新街), but would later establish more formal administrative districts with Taito (台東街 / たいとうがい) becoming the administrative centre of Taito Prefecture (臺東廳 / たいとうちょう), which spanned an area of 3,515.25 km². 

It goes without saying that the east coast of Taiwan was extremely important to the Japanese as it was rich in natural resources and was one of the key areas for the production of sugarcane.

This meant that for the first time the area would start to be developed as it was to become an economic powerhouse for the empire.

This meant that administrative control would have to be tightened as the construction of the railway, ports and factories required a considerable amount of bureaucratic control over the area. 

The large community of civil servant dormitories for which the dorms that make up the “Baoting Art and Culture Center” are part of were the answer to providing proper lodgings for those who came to assist in the administration of the prefecture, and its economic development.

Dating back to 1937 (昭和12年), the four dorms were constructed to coincide with the colonial government’s administrative restructuring plan (台灣廳制) that upgraded areas into ‘towns’, ‘cities’ and ‘counties’ under the prefectural system.

This meant that the administrative district of “Taito County” (臺東郡 / たいとうぐん) would include Taito City as well three villages in the areas we know today as Taimali (太麻里鄉), Dawu (大武鄉), Green Island (綠島鄉) and several mountainous indigenous localities (蕃地) as well as Orchid Island (蘭嶼). 

Taito City on the other hand would serve as the administrative capital of the prefecture, making it home to important civic buildings such as the Taito Prefectural Hall (臺東廳舍), Taito City Hall (臺東街役場), Taito Prefectural Post Office (臺東郵便局), Taito Weather Station (台東測候所), Taito Branch of the Monopoly Bureau (專賣局台東出張所) and the Taito Prefectural Shinto Shrine (臺東神社), among others.

Despite being relatively large in terms of area, the population of Taito City at that time consisted of around 17,000 people (compared to 107,000 today) and was divided up into several “machi” (町/まち), which are neighbourhoods or suburbs and included the aptly named “kitamachi” (北町), “shinmachi” (新町), “sakaemachi” (榮町), “minamimachi” (南町) and “takamachi” (寶町).

The “Takamachi” neighbourhood, which loosely translates into English as “treasure” was one of the more ‘upscale’ areas of Taito City and was home to not only these set of dorms, but a larger community nearby for the families of other civil servants living in the area at the time. 

By 1937, there were an estimated 3,000 residents who hailed from Japan, distributed between this neighbourhood and the four immigrant villages (移民村) that were set up for workers who were primarily working within the sugar industry. 

Taito’s Immigrant Villages: Asahi Village (旭村), Tomihara Village (富原村), Miwa Village (美和村), Shikishima Village (敷島村).

The four dorms, all of which are typical Japanese-style houses in terms of their architectural design are elevated off of the ground on a cement base, while the rest of the structure is constructed of Taiwanese cedar wood (杉木). The layout of each of the dorms remains relatively similar, but three of them were shared (雙併宿舍) while only was considered an single dormitory (獨棟房舍). 

The single dorm would have been reserved for the mayor (街長官邸) and his family while the other three would have been split in half, albeit with shared washroom facilities, housing the families of six high-ranking officials (高階官員) within the local government. 

Unfortunately there is very little information about the architectural design of the dorms available in print or online, but over the years I’ve become quite familiar with all of these small details, so I’ll try to explain the design differences between the two styles of dorms. 

Before I get into the differences, it’s probably easier to talk about their similarities.

Its important to note that these Japanese style dormitories follow a basic design rule in that each of them, no matter if they’re a single or a shared dwelling, must consist of the following three spaces, a living space (起居空間), a service space (服務空間) and a passage space (通行空間). 

The “living space” is considerably different than what we’re used to in western standards as what we might consider a “living room” is actually a brilliant multi-functional space where the family can receive guests, hang out, have their meals, drink tea and sleep.

This space is usually the largest part of these dorms and features “tokonoma” (床の間/とこのま) or large compartments (like a closet) with sliding doors in the walls where blankets, decorations and other necessities are stored during the day. 

Link: Tokonoma (Wiki) 

The “service space” on the other hand could include a number of rooms, which in the double family dorms might be shared spaces between both sides in order to save space. Service spaces typically include the kitchen (台所 / だいどころ), bathroom (風呂 / ふろ), washroom (便所 / べんじょ), etc. 

Finally, the “passage space” in each of these dorms varies, but generally means the front and back entrances to the dorm as well as the corridors within, between the living space and the service space.

The design of these dorms tends to differ based on where the foyer or the main entrance to the building (玄關 / げんかん) is located as the porch is used to connect the various indoors spaces.

One of the most significant design features (as far as I’m concerned at least) for each of the buildings are the beautiful ‘engawa’ (緣側/えんがわ) sliding door verandas on the rear side that allow for natural air to enter the buildings, while also offering access to the areas where the gardens (and outhouses) would have been located. 

Link: Engawa (Wiki) 

Each of the four buildings has been constructed using the irimoya-zukuri (入母屋造) style of design, which basically means that the base of the building is smaller than the roof, the weight of which is supported by a network of trusses (屋架) in the ceiling that helps to support the weight of the four-sided sloped hip roof (四坡頂).

When the buildings were restored, the original roof tiles were replaced with concrete tiles and the ‘onigawara’ (鬼瓦) end tiles, which feature floral designs are all replacements.

Likewise, the wooden shitamiita (下見版 / したみいた) siding on the buildings has been replaced. They are currently quite dark in colour, but as they age the colours will fade.

Now let‘s talk about where these buildings slightly differ.

Mayoral Residence (街長的居所) 

The Mayoral Residence is the largest of the dorms at 109㎡ (33坪) and considering that it’s not split in half like the other buildings, it features a large porch (玄關), living space (座敷 / ざしき), living room (居間 / いま), tea room (茶之間) and maids room (女中室/じょちゅうしつ) in addition to a washroom, bathroom and kitchen. 

Given the size difference, the interior of the building is considerably more spacious than the other dorms (which have since been opened up) and would have been an excellent space for living as well as receiving important guests.

Shared Dormitories (雙併二戶建)

The exterior of each of the shared dormitories are the same size as the Mayoral Residence, but since they’re split in half, the interior space on either side is only 49㎡ (15坪).

This means that for each of the families living in these dorms, space would have been tight. The design of these houses however ensured that during the day, the common areas were large enough for a family to enjoy. 

Each of the shared dorm buildings originally featured their own entrances, but it has been suggested that after the Japanese left Taiwan, the new residents of the buildings took the liberty to add larger entrances on the sides of the buildings, which would have slightly altered the ‘passage space’ design of the buildings.

They do however continue to feature the large sliding verandas at the rear of the building and everything else remains the same as the mayoral residence save for having a dedicated living room and a private maid’s room.

The bathrooms for the shared dormitories however weren’t connected to the buildings, so even though the residents could have taken a bath within the home, they’d have to go outside to relieve themselves in a shared space. 

When the Second World War ended and the Japanese relinquished control of Taiwan, the original residents of the dorms were forced to leave Taiwan and head back to Japan.

It wouldn’t be long though before they became the dormitories for civil servants working at the Taitung City Office (台東市公所) after Taiwan’s (so-called) retrocession (光復). 

The dorms continued to house the city’s civil servants for several decades after, but as time went by the buildings started to become run down, and when their occupants ultimately moved out, they were left abandoned, leaving them to the elements. 

In the year 2000 (民國89年), then mayor of Taitung, Lie Kuen-cheng (賴坤成) proposed that the dorms become registered as historic buildings and be part of an ambitious restoration project (日治宿舍保存整修計畫) that would see several of the areas historic sites preserved and opened up for tourism.

Planning for the project took a couple of years and included specialists from Japan who came to oversee the project to ensure authenticity. 

The restoration project started in 2002 and after four years the dorms reopened to the public as the Baoting Art and Cultural Centre. 

To celebrate the re-opening of the dorms, the local government invited the three children of Akamatsu Nisan (赤松二三), the last mayor of Taito City to attend the ceremony. 

On February 28th, 2006, Sakuma (赤松佐熊), Shigeo (赤松茂男) and Ishiko (淺野石子) came to Taiwan and helped to inaugurate the cultural centre and to celebrate the rebirth of their father’s former home.

Baoting Art and Culture Center (寶町藝文中心)

The Baoting Art and Culture Centre has been reopened to the public for well over a decade and is one of Taitung City’s most popular tourist attractions.

Open six days a week, the four dorms are now the home of rotating art shows and exhibitions about the history of the local area. 

Tourists who visit the dorms often find themselves spending quite a while taking photos as they are quite picturesque and shine in the tropical environment in Taitung.

You’ll also find that the art shows and cultural activities on display are interesting enough to make you want to stick around for quite a while. 

One of my only gripes about the interior of the buildings is that some of the art shows they have on display don’t really mix with the interior design of the buildings. 

Fortunately, I was lucky to arrive on my second visit to the dorms between shows when the walls were empty. However if you’re looking at these photos and thinking that is what you’ll experience when you visit, I’m afraid that probably won’t be the case. 

I did spend quite a bit of time however enjoying the historic exhibits that have a lot of excellent information about Taitung during the colonial era, in addition to the indigenous handicrafts room that shows off some of the beautiful work of the local indigenous groups. 

As I mentioned above, the number of Japanese era dorms in the area is about to grow exponentially, so if you are planning to visit the area, I highly recommend taking a walk to the rear of the dorms to check out some of the other dorms that are currently being restored and are almost ready to reopen to the public. 

The amount of historic properties that have been restored in the area is quite amazing and although some of them will showcase local art and history, you’ll also find others that will have restaurants, tea houses and coffee shops inside. 

I’m not sure about you, but having a meal or a coffee in one of these eighty year old buildings is probably a pretty cool experience! 

For more information about getting to the dorms and when they’re open, keep reading below! 

Getting There 


Address:  No.184, Zhongshan Rd., Taitung City (台東市中山路184號)

GPS: 22.757823404833875 121.15302552239177

The Baoting Art and Culture Center is located on Zhongshan Road (中山路) within the downtown core of the city, but is a bit of a distance from the city centre where you’ll find most of the tourists who visit Taitung spend their time. 

If you have a car or scooter during your trip to Taitung, getting there shouldn’t be much of a problem at all. If you don’t have your own means of transportation though, don’t worry, there is an ample amount of public transportation available that will help you get there. 

Located near Siwei Nightmarket (四維夜市) and the Taitung Mazu Temple (臺東天后宮), the Baoting Art Centre is in an area of town where there probably isn’t very much for the average tourist to see, but within the next year or two there will be an entire city block of newly restored Japanese dorms just like these opening up that will feature art and cultural exhibitions, making the trip there even more worthwhile! 

Car / Scooter 

If you have a car or a rental scooter during your trip to Taitung, you should have no problem getting there. All you really have to do is follow Zhongzheng Road straight out of the downtown core of the city and you’ll find the dorms within minutes of leaving.

The roads in the area are quite large and there should be an ample amount of parking nearby. For a car, you might have to circle around the area for a while to find a space, but it shouldn’t post much of a problem. Remember though that if you park in one of the space along the road that you’ll be subject to a parking fee based on the amount of time you spend there.

If you’re driving a scooter on the other hand, you’ll be able to park directly in front of the dorms in the spaces provided for free!  


Taking the bus to the Baoting Art and Culture Centre from downtown Taitung is pretty easy - All you have to do is get yourself to the Taitung Bus Station (臺東轉運站) and take Taitung Bus (臺東客運) bus #8102, #8119 or #8120 to the “Tiantainlai Bus Stop” (天天來站) where you’ll get off a short distance from the dorms. 

Link: Taitung Bus Station (臺東轉運站) 

You also have the option of taking Taitung’s Downtown Sightseeing Tour Bus (臺東縣市區公車) from the bus station to the same bus stop mentioned above, but its important to note that the bus doesn’t really come that often and isn’t all that convenient.

Still, if you’re at the station and the bus is about to leave, feel free to hop on! 

Link: Taitung Downtown Sightseeing Circular Bus Timetable (市區公車時刻表)

Visiting the Baoting Art and Culture Centre is free of charge, and apart from having to remove your shoes when you enter the buildings, you can easily enjoy the beautiful architecture and whatever art exhibit they’ve got on display at the time of your visit!  

Hours: Tuesday to Sunday from 09:00-12:00 and 14:00-17:00.  

The dorms are closed on Mondays and most national holidays

I have probably mentioned this countless times on my blog, but one of the problems that has arisen as of late is that when these former Japanese era dormitories (and other buildings) are restored and opened up to the public, the government often has trouble coming up with idea about how to fill the space with something that makes their investment in the restoration of the buildings worthwhile.

In this case, the former Taitung Civic Dormitories have been repurposed into a beautiful exhibition space for artists that provides local artists with a beautiful exhibition space for their work and local residents with a constantly changing art space.

For tourists who are only in the area for a short time, the art that is featured on the walls is just one of the added bonuses of visiting these historic dorms.

There are certainly an ample amount of destinations around Taitung for tourists to enjoy on their trip to the east coast, but within the next few years the list of destinations within the city itself is going to grow exponentially. This will make spending time within the city and especially the area around the Baoting Art Centre much more attractive. 

Taitung White House (臺東阿伯小白屋)

Admittedly, when I write blogs and introduce places in Taiwan, it’s rare that I write something that could be considered brief, and to the point. My writing tends to involve long-winded deep-dives into the historical and architectural aspects of all the places I visit and more importantly, take photos of.  

With this one though, I’m going to do my best to keep it short.

All that’s required is to re-tell a story that has probably already been told a thousand times. 

Taitung’s famed “White House” goes by quite a few different names, but one of the things you’ll usually notice being said about it is that it is one of the locations in the city with the most ‘check-in’s’. 

You see, these days in Taiwan, locations around the country become popular simply for their ‘Instagrammability’ (is that a verb now?)

Back when life was a little simpler, tourist attractions around Taiwan were known simply as “destinations” (景點) and gained their popularity for reasons a little more significant than their ability to attract social media attention. These days, most of those “destinations” are likely to be ignored if they don’t fall into the all-important category of a Popular Check-in Destination (熱門打卡景點). 

Local travel writing has quickly adapted to this instagram-effect and has likewise shifted from actually producing content to publishing articles simply titled: “2021 Taiwan Recommended Instagram Popular Check-in Destinations” (2020台灣IG打卡景點推薦” or “2020 Must Visit Instagram Destinations!” (2020必去IG打卡景點) and focus only on social media metrics to determine the locations that people absolutely have to visit! 

I might sound like an old dude wavering my cane in the air with my condescension, but it’s not particularly a healthy way to conduct a sustainable tourism industry. 

When it comes to this house in particular, not much damage is done by the massive groups of people hanging around outside taking photos for their Instagram - And since most of them are already in the area to help contribute to the local economy, I don’t really have much of a problem. 

However, even though the house is a popular Instagram stop, it does have a bit of a sad back story. So even though you’ll see beautiful Instagram celebrities modeling nearby, it’s important to know why the house looks the way it does.  

The Taitung White House


In Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare wrote: “What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet,” a phrase that I think applies to this house in a few different ways. 

Why? Well, for a couple of reasons.

One of them is because there isn’t actually an official name for this house, so you’ll often find it referred to by the following names whenever you see someone talking about it:

  1. The Plain White House (白色陋屋)

  2. Taitung Grandpa’s White House (台東阿伯小白屋)

  3. Little White House (小白屋)

  4. Taitung’s Howl’s Moving Castle (台東霍爾的移動城堡)

For most of the people living in the area, the patch-work house has been considered a stain on their community, but like Shakespeare said, “that which we call a rose by any other name would smell so sweet,” and what matters is not its appearance or what it is named, but that it was hand-crafted by its owner over a very long period of time and to him, it wasn’t unsightly, nor a popular tourist attraction - it was his home.

The White House has received quite a bit of attention from the local media as well as on social media over the years, but when it comes to the English media, there has been an unfortunate amount of sensationalism and misinformation about the house and its owner.

Lazy reporting has given rise to articles that claim no one knew the real name of its owner, that he was too ‘senile’ to remember important details and that there are a number of mysteries surrounding the building, all intended to make the reader feel like there’s something spooky about the building. 

Nothing could be further from the truth, we actually know quite a bit about the White House and the man who constructed it.

Until 2017, the White House was home to Mr. Lee Wen-Chang (李文昌), a military veteran who came to Taiwan as a refugee of the Chinese Civil War. Born in 1928 (民國18年) in China’s Guangxi Province (廣西省), Mr. Lee first lived and worked in Tainan, but was later sent to Taitung to continue his military service. It was there where he met his wife, fathered six children, constructed his home and lived out the rest of his life.

Starting in 1966 (民國55年), Mr. Lee would spend the next few decades transforming his home from a small wooden house into the four-story home that we can see today. When the outpost where he worked was abandoned in 1970, Mr. Lee started collecting materials to recycle them for usage in the expansion of his home. 

Over the next several decades, Mr. Lee went on daily excursions to scavenge for bricks, glass and waste wood, among other things to bring back to the house in order to continue its expansion.

As mentioned above, the building has four floors, but from the outside you’d be hard pressed to see how that’s possible - This is because the height of each of them differs in size and from what I’ve read forces adults to have to bend over while walking through the maze of corridors within. 

  • First Floor: Living room, kitchen, bathroom. 

  • Second Floor: Bedrooms. 

  • Third Floor: Green house with vegetables grown by the owner. 

  • Fourth Floor: Private bridal chamber for the son of the owner

One of the things that confuses most people about the house is how it could actually be considered a legal residence in Taiwan, given the amount of governmental bureaucracy and building standards that are strictly enforced by the Household Registration Office.

The simple answer is that when Mr. Lee started expanding the house, the laws that dealt with construction (建築法) had yet to be implemented, which has kept it free from legal hassles. 

There’s a local joke that for buildings to be considered “legal residences”, all they really need are four walls, a roof, a place to sleep and a place to shower - and since this building covers all those bases, it’s fine. 

Ironically, even though the house looks like it has been haphazardly put together with random pieces of garbage, it has bravely withstood the constant barrage of earthquakes and typhoon seasons that wreak havoc on Taiwan’s east coast on a yearly basis.

You might look at the house from the outside and come to the conclusion that it’s likely to suddenly collapse, but Mr. Lee’s decades of hard work, in addition to his experience as a military engineer ensure that considerable effort would be required to tear it down!

Dispelling the rumors of his senility in his later years, as the White House became an internet sensation, Mr. Lee was visited by several reporters from local newspapers and magazines. He happily gave them tours and discussed with them the process of constructing the house, and even made jokes about how he never really considered the house to be complete. 

Presented with the opportunity to sell it on several occasions, Mr. Lee refused and only responded by saying that it was his intention to leave the home to his children, who could then decide what to do with it.

Unfortunately in 2017, after not being seen for several days, the local Veteran Affairs Office telephoned the daughter of Mr. Lee to inform her that he hadn’t appeared on his daily rounds for a few days. When she went to see if something was wrong, she found her father’s lifeless body on the first floor of the house.

He was 89 years old. 

Since his death, the house has remained pretty much the same and it’s still a popular tourist attraction, but it’s hard to say how much longer it will last as the family is likely to sell it.

Until that day comes, I’m sure the Little White House will remain a popular tourist attraction. 

Getting There


Address: No. 1, Zhongzheng Road, Taitung City (台東市中正路1號) 

GPS: 22.7512595 121.1590818

The Taitung White House is located along the road next to the city’s Haibin Park (白濱公園), which is a popular tourist attraction in itself. How you get there though really depends on what means of transportation you are relying on to get around Taitung. 

If you’ve got a car, scooter or even a bicycle, you should be able to easily input the address above into your GPS or Google Maps to get directions. 

If you don’t have access to any of those, you’ll have to either walk, take a taxi or a bus.

Walking through downtown Taitung isn’t all that terrible, so if you’re staying in the downtown core of the city, you shouldn’t have any problem walking to the house from wherever you’re staying.

However if you’d like to save some time, you might just want to take a taxi. 

If you’d like to take the bus, the area is only serviced by the Taitung City Bus City Tour Line that departs from the tourist bureau near the Taitung Bus Station (台東客運站), which you’ll ride until you reach the Seashore Park stop where you’ll get off and walk from there.

It should be noted however that (depending on the time of the year) there are only a few buses everyday, and the lack of frequency makes a visit difficult to time. 

No matter how you get there, it won’t really take you very long to check the house out. 

There’s not much you can do apart from taking a couple of photos, so I highly recommend taking some time to walk through the beautiful Seashore Park nearby to enjoy views of the coast (and the wetlands) as well as sampling some of the popular stalls selling food nearby. If you see a line, it’ll probably be people waiting for the famed scallion pancakes (蔥油餅) that the area is known for!